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Type(Very Heavy) Freighter
Tonnage2,700 tons (displacement: 13,700 tons)
Crew5 / 8 / 120
DimensionsLength: 162 m · Width: 95 m · Height: 20 m
Armour Class4
Maneuverability2 (Ini: +2 / AC: -2 / Pilot: +20%)
Cargo350 tons
Weapon spaces270
Armour Plating1,100
Active ProtectionRepair Field Class: 1
OptionsShort Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods, Silent Drive
Speed20 km/s
Cost30.0 Million Cr
Availability5 %
Range1,371 light-years (redundancy: 270 tons, 10%)
Speed: +100% (600 ly/day) · Cost: x1.45 (29 cr/ly, 0.685 ly/fp)
Range without redundancy use: 1,508 light-years
Year70 RTC
AtmosphericVery poor
Last Edited31. Jul 2010 at 23:48 (Nonnib)

The Elan is the first commercial ship utilizing the Quad-Vector folddrive which it carries along with a conventional folddrive. The range, using the QVH is 20000 ly, but it's well worth it, since it enables the ship to travel twice as fast as it would otherwise. It's fitted with the most advanced avionics available, and is perfect for transportation of ultra-valuable cargo such as dignitaries and diplomats.